One Year On: A Journey of Resilience, Empowerment, and Hope

A Year of Personal Growth and Resilience

One year ago, I was in an Uber on my way back to the city from a business meeting in North Sydney. Tears welled up in my eyes as I had just received the life-altering news – I had breast cancer. Today, I find myself wearing the same dress from that fateful day, a dress that has become a symbol of the remarkable journey I’ve been on over the past year. It’s not an omen; it’s a reminder of the resilience that resides within each of us and the incredible journey of empowerment, hope, and gratitude that I’ve been fortunate to experience.

Over the past year, I’ve come to realise that cancer, like life itself, is a profoundly personal journey. Everyone’s experience is different, unique to their circumstances and the unwavering human spirit within them. It’s a journey that tests your limits, challenges your perceptions, and reshapes your priorities.

The Book “She Has Breast Cancer”: A Beacon of Hope

This year, I am immensely proud to announce the release of my book, “She Has Breast Cancer.” It’s a project that holds a special place in my heart, and I wanted it to be out in time for Christmas. My hope was that no woman should have to face the holiday season with a heavy heart, like I did a year ago.

“She Has Breast Cancer” is not just a book; it’s a beacon of hope, a source of empowerment, and a practical guide for those navigating personal crises. It’s a tribute to the strength of the human spirit and a testament to the unwavering support I’ve received from an incredible community of individuals, including you, my dear readers.

A Year of Letting Go and Freedom

This past year has also been one of shedding and letting go of what no longer serves me. It’s been a journey towards a life of freedom and authenticity, a life that is undeniably mine. Cancer, in a way, became a catalyst for revaluating priorities and embracing the essence of what truly matters.

As I celebrate one year since that fateful Uber ride, I can’t help but reflect on the transformation that has occurred. It’s a transformation that encompasses not only physical health but also a profound shift in perspective.

Celebrating One Year of Triumph and Hope

Today, as I mark one year since that fateful day in the Uber, I can’t help but celebrate the triumphs that have come my way. My scans continue to show no metastatic disease, and my blood work has improved – small victories that remind me of the strength within and the power of hope.

But I must emphasise that this journey is far from a solitary one. It’s a collective effort, a team of warriors who’ve held space for me, provided unwavering support, and joined me in the fight. Yes, that includes you, my dear readers and supporters.

A Message of Gratitude and Empowerment

As I reflect on this year of triumph, I want to express my deepest gratitude. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a part of my team, for holding space for me not just this year but every year. 

My journey through breast cancer has taught me that life is fragile, and each day is a precious gift. It’s a lesson that transcends the realm of illness and touches on the core of our existence.

Moving forward, I remain committed to making a difference in the world, raising awareness, and, most importantly, reminding everyone that every day must count and is a blessing. It’s a message of empowerment, hope, and resilience that I hope to continue sharing with you all.

In closing, let’s cherish each moment, embrace the now, and support one another in this beautiful journey called life. Together, we can face any challenge with strength, courage, and gratitude.

Thank you for being a part of my story and for allowing me to be a part of yours.

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